Protect Our Election sent the below open letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State on July 30, 2020.
An Open Letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State
To the National Association of Secretaries of State,
We write to you today as concerned American citizens reaching out for reassurance.
Regardless of party or political affiliation, we believe the sanctity of our federal elections this November is under attack. Public reports indicate that foreign powers will continue to try and probe our election systems. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens our safety and our turnout numbers. Documented attempts at voter suppression are being made in many states. Funding to support mail-in-voting, poll worker training, and equipment is sorely lacking.
And, most critically, it is abundantly clear that our current president has no regard for our federal structure, does not value the democratic process, and will sow doubt about state-level electoral results that do not lead to his reelection.
We place our faith in you, as a group, to manage the threats against our country in the lead-up to November. Faith in our system is the only thing that keeps democracy afloat. To that end, we ask you, the members of NASS, to augment your existing NASS Resolution Affirming the Conduct of Elections in a Nonpartisan Manner and your existing NASS Resolution Reaffirming Commitment to Strengthening Elections with the following proposed Resolution:
WHEREAS, chief election officials agreed to the principles set out in the NASS Resolution Reaffirming Commitment to Strengthening Elections on July 10, 2017, including a commitment to protect the autonomy of the states to administer elections and a recognition that states are responsible for preventing and detecting voter fraud;
WHEREAS, chief election officials agreed to the principles set out in the NASS Resolution Affirming the Conduct of Elections in a Nonpartisan Manner on February 2, 2020, including the imperative to ensure confidence and trust in our democratic process;
WHEREAS, representatives of the executive branch of the United States federal government have popularized baseless claims of voter fraud around both the 2016 and 2020 general elections in an apparent attempt to undermine public confidence in same;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Secretaries of State do hereby affirm their responsibility to proactively counteract conspiracy theories and misinformation about the potential for a “rigged” or “fraudulent” election in 2020, to do so regardless of the source or supporters of these baseless theories, and to do so publicly and in one unified voice.
We ask you to consider adopting this resolution as a public pledge that you will stand up for your constituents, and for America, by affirming your independence and your responsibility to proactively resist domestic attempts to undermine the results of our fair and free elections.
We know you understand the importance of your role in preserving our fragile democracy. We believe that you will succeed.
Very Sincerely,
Protect Our Election
Follow the relevant civic organizations at the below links.
The National Association of Secretaries of State: NASS.org
The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State: DemsOfState.org
The Republican Secretaries of State Committee: RSSC